

You might be wondering how long should a personal blog post be? Getting this right is important to making sure your post doesn't bore your readers. It can also help to use audience surveys to understand who your readers are and what they are looking for in your
The ideal length for a personal blog post is between 600 and 1200 words

If you are wondering how to determine the ideal blog post length, consider your goals and audience. Your goal might be to get more social media shares, generate more lead conversions, or drive more traffic from search engines. But your audience may have a different goal. And it's important to write content that resonates with your readers. It's not always easy to know how to write an effective blog post.

In general, you want to keep your blog post between 600 and 1200 words. This is because longer posts tend to lose reader attention and engagement. Also, it's important to make each word count. The more information you give your readers, the better.

A great post takes about seven minutes to read. However, if you have more complex topics to cover, you might need to go longer. Longer blog posts also have the potential to get a huge boost in organic search traffic.

Shorter articles, on the other hand, can easily be written with a keyword-stuffed headline and a lot of images and links. They are also good for sharing on social media.

You can determine the length of your blog article by using one of the many marketing tools available. These can help you choose a keyword and estimate how long your content should be. For example, the Growth Playbook can help you determine the ideal blog post length for your business. Alternatively, you can find out how long other people have been writing your type of content.

There are many reasons to write a longer post. Some people prefer to take their time, while others are looking for more information. Having a lengthy article can also mean that you'll get more comments. While this isn't a guarantee, you should strive for more than a handful of comments.

While deciding how long your post should be, keep in mind that it should be fun. You want your readers to enjoy reading your blog post and be willing to share it with others. On the other hand, shorter posts might not get as much social share and might not be as useful for SEO.

If you're unsure of your optimal blog post length, try experimenting with your own blog. Consider the types of posts you've already written and how well they perform. Once you have a feel for your average word count, you can use the chart above to make sure you're hitting your goals.

In addition, you should also compile your best practices for blogging. This will allow you to better understand your audience and the type of content they like. Remember that the best blog posts are the ones that are better than anything else out there. Whether you're trying to get more social shares or get more organic search traffic, it's essential to write high quality content.
Using audience surveys to understand your target readers

One of the best ways to get to know your readers is to conduct audience surveys. They are easy to administer and offer great insights about your target demographic. The data you collect can be analyzed and interpreted to provide useful information about what your customers want from you. If you are a blogger, you are probably familiar with one of the most popular survey tools, Google Analytics. However, there are many more options out there.

While Google Analytics can give you a comprehensive overview of how many visitors your website receives, you can also use a third party service like SurveyMonkey to gather data about your readers. You can choose from a number of different options ranging from demographic data to what types of content they prefer. Using a survey tool to understand your readers is a great way to build a rapport with them and find out what types of content they're looking for.

You can perform the same type of analysis using a variety of social media platforms. Most social networking sites have a built-in audience tool that provides a brief summary of your audience. This includes the hottest trends and who your most engaged followers are. These tools can provide insight into your audience and allow you to fine tune your content strategy accordingly.

There are also a number of other surveys that can provide insight into your readers. However, they are not always as easy to execute as you might think. To be able to get the most out of your survey, you need to craft an appropriately crafted question. You can also consider offering an incentive to encourage response, such as discounts or special offers.

Performing a proper audience survey should be a part of every content marketing plan. It is an important component of a successful blog. In order to properly educate your target demographic, you need to know what they want. Content marketing is not only about entertaining your readers, but it can also be about educating them about the products and services you offer. By taking the time to research your readers, you can develop more personalized, compelling content that will ultimately lead to more sales.

Having a well designed survey is a great way to learn more about your readers. You can also take advantage of a variety of other audience monitoring tools, such as Facebook and Twitter. Monitoring can help you identify what content your readers are interested in and what topics you should avoid. Keeping track of what your readers are saying can inform your future blog posts. Identifying what they are looking for in a blog post is the first step in getting to know your readers. Once you have this knowledge, you can begin to create the content that will make your readers proud to read your work.

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